Quote of the Month

In Lent, we seek out and confess our sins, and it is oddly difficult to receive the gentleness God offers in response. When we finally rouse ourselves to face our transgressions, we find Jesus quietly waiting, ready to forgive and free us. Jesus lets us reveal ourselves to him.

When our sin and shame become so apparent that we cannot avoid them, and we just want to stay silent or leave, he draws out our beauty. He reminds us who we are. He invites us into his life and makes us new again. 

 The Lent Project, Biola University

Spiritual Direction

This full-length teaching answers the question, “What is Spiritual Direction?”. It is broken up into bite size questions which you can forward to for those who are interested to understand how I understand and approach various aspects of spiritual direction. The appendix segments at the end are specifically designed for clergy who are seeking to understand this practice theologically.